The sequel to Batman Begins brings us more fantastic action and suspense. The movie opens with an armed bank robbery, where the bank robbers kill each other off till only the Joker is left. Batman, Lieutenant Gordon and new district attorney Harvey Dent launch an assault on the mob. The top mafia bosses meetup to discuss how to deal with it at a secret location where they discover that their accountant has hidden their funds and has fled the country to help keep them from the police. The Joker shows up and interrupts in typical unhinged fashion, warning them that The Batman is not bound by jurisdiction and will chase down the accountant. He offers to kill The Batman for half all their money. The mob bosses refuse with some gruesome consequences. Batman meanwhile goes to Hong Kong to find the accountant, he captures him and brings him back to testify. The Joker issues a threat to Gotham City and Batman; people will die each day until Batman takes off his mask. He then proceeds to make good on these threats killing the commissioner, and the judge presiding over the mafia trials. The joker then goes after Dent, but Batman gets there first and hides him. Bruce decides to reveal who he is to get the Joker to stop killing city officials, but Harvey Dent instead names himself to protect Batman’s true identity. Dent is taken into protective custody and pursued by the Joker across the city as Batman rushes to his aid. Gordon, who had faked his death in an attempt to keep his family from danger, helps apprehend the Joker and is promoted to Commissioner. The Joker is interrogated and it is discovered that Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes have been taken. They are in separate buildings filled with explosives. Batman only has time to save one, and chooses Rachel, but Batman instead finds Dent at the address the Joker had given him. The building explodes as Dent is rescued from the building, setting his face alight on one side. The police don’t make it to Rachel in time. While Batman and the police are distracted the Joker takes the opportunity to escape with the accountant.
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The Joker visits Dent in the hospital, he tells Dent that it was nothing personal, that he is simply an agent of chaos. He convinces Dent to act in revenge. Dent, now calling himself Two-Face, then goes about deciding the fate of those responsible for Rachel’s death with a flip of a coin. The Joker then sets up another sick experiment, with two ships possibly deciding each others fate, one full of inmates, one full of citizens. If one ship triggers the explosives on the other ship, that ship will be freed. After much panic and fighting, neither ship is willling to kill the people on the other boat. Lucian reluctantly helps Batman scan the city for the Joker, but says he will resign afterwards as the method is morally wrong. The hostages the Joker took have been disguised as the Joker’s gang, Batman manages to rescue them while fighting off the Jokers real gang and Gordon’s SWAT team who are unaware of the deception. Despite having been captured, the Joker gloats about his win, the man that was going to clean up the city, Dent, has been on a rampage. Batman catches up with Dent, who is holding Gordons family hostage. Dent shoots Batman, but Batman still manages to tackle Dent before he kills Gordon’s son. Dent is killed and Batman and Gordon agree that it can’t be revealed that Dent was corrupted by the Joker, Gotham needs Dent to remain a symbol of hope.